Fleet Enable’s logistics tech push: rapid client on-boarding

As pressure on freight transport grows, need to automate becomes urgent

AUSTIN, TX, JUNE. 08, 2023 – Logistics technology innovator Fleet Enable said today it’s stepping up efforts to automate the freight transport sector. The software developer declared it would accelerate on-boarding of carriers who turn to computer technology to automate operations and improve competitiveness. The company said its goal is to help clients quickly gain efficiency – and cut costs – as industry pressures mount.

Here’s what the company said it has done in 2023 to hasten freight carrier automation:

  • Assigned Customer Success Managers to new clients or carriers using Fleet Enable technology;

  • Dedicated a team of developers to guide clients in rolling out Fleet Enable’s software platform;

  • Created round-the-clock response teams to resolve issues, much like an in-house IT department.

“We have found that on-boarding and continued support is a major issue with customers and prospects,” said Fleet Enable CEO Krishna Vattiipalli. “The delivery of accurate, on-time data is one of the key factors in a successful internal software implementation, and this is why customers are turning to us.”

Fleet Enable’s quest to speed up freight transport automation comes at a critical time for the industry. Carriers have seen demand dip in the last 18 months. At the same time, fuel costs have spiked. The problems are exacerbated by supply chain breakdowns.

According to Fleet Enable, automation can give carriers a leg up in an uncertain market.  Benefits range from elimination of costly manual processes to faster invoice payment, the company said. 

Fleet Enable said demand for automation is growing across the freight transport sector, from final-mile delivery to air cargo and long-haul. Industry consolidation is driving the trend, the company explained, since operating efficiency can determine survival.

“Once a prospect agrees to a trial or purchase of our system, the on-boarding team gets involved immediately,” explained Mr. Vattipalli.  “The client saves time, saves money and quickly gains the confidence that automation can improve their business.”

About Fleet Enable

Austin, TX based Fleet Enable provides a logistics software platform designed to automate all aspects of the final mile delivery market. Fleet Enable automates everything from routing and scheduling to invoicing and driver pay. Fleet Enable’s end-to-end Final Mile Management System makes enterprise-level technology accessible for all Carriers. Learn more about Fleet Enable at www.fleetenable.com.

For media inquiries: Mike Zampa, 925-282-0450[email protected]

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