Fleet Enable named a top startup in logistics tech
Award follows a year of firsts for software leader
AUSTIN, TX, DEC. 15, 2022– Automation software creator Fleet Enable has been named one of the leading young companies in logistics technology. Austin-based Fleet Enable this week received the Top Tech Startup award from Food Logistics and Supply & Demand Chain Executive.
The publications placed Fleet Enable in the vanguard of companies creating smarter, more efficient supply chains. “AI-powered automation and real-time transportation visibility make up a majority of these companies,” the award announcement stated. “The future of the supply chain industry is directly impacted by the development of these new technologies.”
Fleet Enable won its award following a year of technology rollouts for the final-mile market. They include:
A forecasting tool that helps companies predict everything from volume shifts to revenue trends;
Artificial Intelligence to automate truck loading; and
A Dynamic Pricing Engine that automates complex non-standard rating agreements allowing for automated invoicing and faster AR and driver payout.
“We’re honored by the recognition,” said Fleet Enable CEO Krishna Vattipalli. “But more importantly, we’re gratified that logistics industry leaders recognize the importance of technology in modernizing supply chains.”
Mr. Vattipalli said operating efficiency has become critical in the logistics sector due to increased competition. The best way to streamline is to automate manual processes that have historically defined the industry, he added.
Fleet Enable has created a software platform for final-mile carriers. It automates everything from delivery scheduling to billing and driver settlement. The Top Tech Startup award singled out Fleet Enable as a company poised to disrupt the supply chain space.
About Fleet Enable
Austin, TX based Fleet Enable provides a logistics software platform designed to automate all aspects of the final mile delivery market. Fleet Enable automates everything from routing and scheduling to invoicing and driver pay. Fleet Enable’s end-to-end Final Mile Management System makes enterprise-level technology accessible for all Carriers. Learn more about Fleet Enable at www.fleetenable.com.
For media inquiries: Mike Zampa, 925-282-0450, [email protected]